Tag: Jeff Giddings
Jacqueline Weinberg & Jeff Giddings, “Lessons Learned from Remote Delivery: Supervision and the Student Experience”
The authors present survey research indicating that in light of the pandemic and online clinic experience, students benefit and appreciate supervisors who take the time to provide them with guidance and support that are integral in uncertain times. Online engagement forces supervisors to rethink their understanding of the supervisory relationship and the need to alter…
Jeff Giddings, Reciprocal Professional Development: Enhancing Law Student Supervision in Practice-based Contexts
This report examines the Effective Law Student Supervision (ELSS) Project which is concerned with issues related to professionalism and legal education with focus on enhancing the experiences of law students and supervisors involved in clinical programs in law schools as well as externship arrangements. Central to the project is effective supervision, focused on achieving articulated…
Jeff Giddings & Michael McNamara, “Preparing Future Generations of Lawyers for Legal Practice: What’s Supervision Got to Do with It?”
This article considers the important role of supervision in legal practice in Australia and argues for a more structured approach to supervision. This article sets out the historical roots of clinical legal education and examines supervision in the legal context as a means of developing knowledge and abilities. Without adequate training, supervisors are ill-equipped to…
Jeff Giddings, “The Assumption of Responsibility: Supervision Practices in Experiential Legal Education”
Effective supervision requires responsiveness to students involved, what they have already learned, and what they are affected to learn within their clinical experiences. This paper argues that without an effective supervisor to support and appropriately challenge students, some learning opportunities within the legal workplace will be lost. In the legal context, “supervision can involve a…
Adrian Evans et al, Best Practices: Australian Clinical Legal Education
This Report, funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, sets out a list of principles and best practices integral to legal clinic education in Australia. A reader looking for jurisdictional background, practical tools such as clinic learning outcomes, supervision and reflection. The Report is based on a set of interviews with 26…