How to Use This Bibliography

This annotated bibliography contains over 150 summaries of books, articles, and reports about clinic supervision. Most of these are in the context of law practice, but many are from other disciplines. There are few materials devoted specifically to supervision in law practice generally, but many more in other disciplines.

Users can access this annotated bibliography in a few ways, depending on needs and preferences

The “Categories” dropdown menu, located on the homepage, as well as in the header and footer of every page on the site, can be used to view by broad topical categories.

Most entries are categorized into multiple relevant categories, by such aspects as format, jurisdiction, and topics covered.

Many individual articles are also tagged with terms that the creators of the site feel are particularly salient, and these tags can also be used to gather related material together. Author names are also tags.

As well, the site can be searched as a whole, for any terms or phrases of possible interest.

Users can also feel free to scan the articles, books, manuals, and so on without using a search function. Users and authors may want to supplement our interpretation and use of these materials. Feel free to leave a comment in the section below each annotation. 

Where available, open-source versions of papers etc have been linked, via sources such as scholarly repositories, SSRN, and ResearchGate.