Category: Supervision – Quality of Supervision -Effective
Anne D Gordon, “Cleaning up Our Own Houses: Creating Anti-Racist Clinical Programs”
This article seeks to guide legal clinics to self-evaluate regarding how clinics perpetuate racism unconsciously. This article offers concrete suggestions for implementing change. Law schools are homes to white supremacist culture. Beliefs, values, norms, and standards support the widespread ideology that whiteness holds value. Characteristics of this culture include: perfectionism, either/or thinking, quantity over quality,…
Adrian Evans et al, Australian Clinical Legal Education
Of particular interest in this book is the chapter “The Importance of Effective Supervision”. This chapter considers the changing dynamics of supervision in law firms and the key supervision issues facing clinical programs. It focuses on important supervision dimensions, which include: enhancing quality, accuracy, and timeliness of tasks; mentoring junior staff; fostering awareness of ethical…
YA Vawda, “Learning from experience: the art and science of clinical law”
This article examines the legal clinic system in South Africa. This article sets out a model for clinical supervision which attempts to combine close supervision with a highly interactive and participatory approach. This model requires that students are present at the clinic for an entire day during intake of clients. A typical intake day would…
Leah Wortham et al, Learning from Practice: A Text for Experiential Legal Education
This book examines learning from lawyering experience, whether that be through externships, clinics, or simulation courses. Chapter 3: Learning from Supervision outlines the framework for an effective supervisory relationship. The effective supervisory relationship is threefold; it involves macro planning/ goal setting, micro-planning/ assignment clarification, and effective feedback. Macro planning requires establishing long-term goals in relation…
Jeff Giddings, Reciprocal Professional Development: Enhancing Law Student Supervision in Practice-based Contexts
This report examines the Effective Law Student Supervision (ELSS) Project which is concerned with issues related to professionalism and legal education with focus on enhancing the experiences of law students and supervisors involved in clinical programs in law schools as well as externship arrangements. Central to the project is effective supervision, focused on achieving articulated…
Peter G Glenn, “The Shared Responsibility for Effective Supervisory Relationships in Law Practice”
In this paper, Peter Glenn discusses effective supervisory relationships within the context of legal practice. He uses Attorney Grievance Commission v Kimmel, 955 A 2d 269 (Md 2008) to demonstrate a relationship where incompetence by partners and their associate resulted in an ineffective supervisory relationship that caused a substantial number of instances of malpractice and…
Nicholas Ladany, Yoko Mori & Kristen E Mehr, “Effective and Ineffective Supervision”
The authors seek to explore effective and ineffective supervision though qualitative and quantitative inquiries across supervision experiences of supervisees. Effective supervisor skills, techniques and behaviours included: encouraging supervisee autonomy including self-directed decision making and performance; a strengthened supervisory relationship by way of supervisor support, acceptance, encouragement, respect, trust, empathy and open-mindedness; open discussion in which…
Marijane Fall & John M Sutton Jr, Clinical Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners
This book suggests that the following characteristics are indicative of effective supervision: Marijane Fall & John M Sutton Jr, Clinical Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners (USA: Pearson Education, 2004).
Michael Meltsner, James V Rowan & Daniel J Givelber, “The Bike Tour Leader’s Dilemma: Talking about Supervision”
in Annotated Bibliography, Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback, Field of Supervision – Legal, Format – Article, Mentorship – Formal, Mentorship – Informal, Mentorship – Versus Supervision, Professional Development, Reflective Practice, Supervision – Empirical Research, Supervision – Quality of Supervision – Good, Supervision – Quality of Supervision -Effective, Supervision – Stages, Supervisor – RolesThis article examines supervision in private firms through a survey of both supervisors and supervisees. In private practice, supervision is defined as: (1) overseeing the production of discrete work products, and (2) the instruction that necessarily accompanies task completion. Effective supervision was defined as good human relations and clear communication. Both formal and informal mentoring…