Category: Supervision
Peter G Glenn, “The Shared Responsibility for Effective Supervisory Relationships in Law Practice”
In this paper, Peter Glenn discusses effective supervisory relationships within the context of legal practice. He uses Attorney Grievance Commission v Kimmel, 955 A 2d 269 (Md 2008) to demonstrate a relationship where incompetence by partners and their associate resulted in an ineffective supervisory relationship that caused a substantial number of instances of malpractice and…
Nicholas Ladany, Yoko Mori & Kristen E Mehr, “Effective and Ineffective Supervision”
The authors seek to explore effective and ineffective supervision though qualitative and quantitative inquiries across supervision experiences of supervisees. Effective supervisor skills, techniques and behaviours included: encouraging supervisee autonomy including self-directed decision making and performance; a strengthened supervisory relationship by way of supervisor support, acceptance, encouragement, respect, trust, empathy and open-mindedness; open discussion in which…
Marijane Fall & John M Sutton Jr, Clinical Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners
This book suggests that the following characteristics are indicative of effective supervision: Marijane Fall & John M Sutton Jr, Clinical Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners (USA: Pearson Education, 2004).
Liz Omand, “What makes for good supervision and whose responsibility is it anyway?”
Liz Omand suggests that within the counseling and psychotherapy, the supervisory relationship is complicated and may lead to experiences of anxiety, frustration, conflict and misunderstanding while also fostering excitement and satisfaction. Thus, to be a good supervisor, there are several qualities that supervisors must espouse. Supervisors must be prepared to learn by way of elaboration…
Cynthia Batt & Harriet N Katz, “Confronting Students: Evaluation in the Process of Mentoring Student Professional Development”
This article addresses mentoring the professional development of students in clinical and externship placements. Through a series of survey questions answered by clinic supervisors, supervisors indicated that professional qualities they sought in students included a conscientious approach to work, curiosity and empathy, and appropriate behaviour standards. Supervisors set out a series of challenges they face…
Peter Toll Hoffman, “The Stages of the Clinical Supervisory Relationship”
This paper examines the role of the supervisor in legal clinic contexts. Throughout the student-supervisor relationship, teaching occurs in many ways: dialectic teaching, didactic teaching, evaluation, demonstration, or a combination of some or all of these teaching methods. The relationship between student and supervisor is constantly changing. There are several stages students pass through while…
Michael Meltsner, James V Rowan & Daniel J Givelber, “The Bike Tour Leader’s Dilemma: Talking about Supervision”
in Annotated Bibliography, Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback, Field of Supervision – Legal, Format – Article, Mentorship – Formal, Mentorship – Informal, Mentorship – Versus Supervision, Professional Development, Reflective Practice, Supervision – Empirical Research, Supervision – Quality of Supervision – Good, Supervision – Quality of Supervision -Effective, Supervision – Stages, Supervisor – RolesThis article examines supervision in private firms through a survey of both supervisors and supervisees. In private practice, supervision is defined as: (1) overseeing the production of discrete work products, and (2) the instruction that necessarily accompanies task completion. Effective supervision was defined as good human relations and clear communication. Both formal and informal mentoring…
Michael Ellis, “Harmful Supervision, a Cause for Alarm: Comment on Gray et al (2001) and Nelson and Friedlander”
Ellis comments on the supervision literature as of 2001, noting that “bad” supervision (e.g., not meeting with the supervisee) was lumped in with “harmful” supervision (e.g., sexual harassment). Ellis tries to differentiate between the two, noting that “bad” supervision “does not result in any psychological or emotional trauma or harm to the supervisees or to…
Liz Beddoe, “Harmful Supervision: A Commentary”
This article explores harmful clinical supervision in mental health professions. Harmful supervision is, by definition, inadequate supervision. Minimally adequate supervision may consist of the following elements: the supervisor provides a minimum of one hour of face-to-face individual supervision per week, has the appropriate knowledge and skills for clinical supervision, promotes and is invested in supervisee…