Category: Power Dynamics
Sarah Fishel, Kellie Wiltsie & David DeMatteo, “Certainly Uncertain: Facilitating Law Student Professional Growth and Well-Being through Supervision in Light of COVID-19”
This article sets out a series of strategies that can be implemented in clinical supervision, focusing on well-being as part of professional development. Supervision models frequently contend that students should be active participants in their legal education. Generally speaking, supervision models advance methods that empower students to learn that effective action comes from thought and…
Mary Lee Nelson et al, “A Feminist Multicultural Perspective on Supervision”
This article discusses how gender and race interact with each other within the context of supervision. The authors suggest that in order to be open to multicultural supervision and the perspectives therein, supervisors must have the courage to be anxious, grapple with the uncertainty with respect to the silence that occurs in relation to feminism…
Gerald Corey et al, Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions
This chapter, entitled “Becoming a Multiculturally Competent Supervisor”, explores the importance of ensuring that supervisors incorporate diversity perspectives into their supervision through a multicultural supervisory practice. This chapter goes on to provide practical suggestions for incorporating multicultural strategies into supervision. Culture, as applicable to supervision, has been described as such: “By defining culture broadly, to…
Anne D Gordon, “Cleaning up Our Own Houses: Creating Anti-Racist Clinical Programs”
This article seeks to guide legal clinics to self-evaluate regarding how clinics perpetuate racism unconsciously. This article offers concrete suggestions for implementing change. Law schools are homes to white supremacist culture. Beliefs, values, norms, and standards support the widespread ideology that whiteness holds value. Characteristics of this culture include: perfectionism, either/or thinking, quantity over quality,…
Nancy M Maurer & Robert F Seibel, “Addressing Problems of Power and Supervision in Field Placements”
This article examines the power dynamics that exist in the supervision of law students in legal clinics. The authors explore the potential consequences of failing to address the issues arising from those dynamics, including ethical ramifications, termination of the program, or possible worksite sexual harassment. This paper suggests that supervision is the primary vehicle for…
Wallace J Mlyniec, “Where to Begin – Training New Teachers in the Art of Clinical Pedagogy”
This article describes the clinical program at the Georgetown Law Centre and sets out a clinical training program for new supervisors. The program and the article suggest six fundamental beliefs, including: Notably, teaching as a clinical teacher or supervisor is exceptionally difficult as it requires an understanding of teaching techniques, students’ prior knowledge, attention to…
Liz Beddoe, “Harmful Supervision: A Commentary”
This article explores harmful clinical supervision in mental health professions. Harmful supervision is, by definition, inadequate supervision. Minimally adequate supervision may consist of the following elements: the supervisor provides a minimum of one hour of face-to-face individual supervision per week, has the appropriate knowledge and skills for clinical supervision, promotes and is invested in supervisee…
Heidi Hutman, Michael Ellis & Shangyun Zhou, “Supervisees’ Perspectives of Inadequate, Harmful, and Exceptional Clinical Supervision: Are We Listening?”
This article defines elements of “harmful”, “inadequate” and “exceptional” supervision based on qualitative research. This expanded on the work of Ellis, noted above. Supervisees who reported harmful experiences described supervisors as neglectful and callous, etc. Harmful supervision reflected “supervisory practices that result in psychological, emotional, and/or physical harm or trauma to the supervisee… The two…