Category: Field of Supervision – Social Work
Peter Hawkins & Robin Shohet, Supervision in the Helping Professions
This chapter of the book describes the sensitivity and awareness needed to work with those with differing backgrounds. This sensitivity and awareness apply as much to the supervisor’s culture and cultural assumptions as it does to others. Cultural differences are the “different explicit and implicit assumptions and values that influence the behaviour and social artifacts…
Tamara L Kaiser & Angeline Barretta-Herman, “The Supervision Institute”
This article examines the advanced supervisory training program offered at the Supervision Institute in professional social work practice. The program consists of sessions on the supervisory relationship, power, and authority, addressing transference and countertransference issues, ethics, cross-cultural supervision, and evaluation. The function of supervision is to facilitate and ensure competent service to clients. Thus, supervisors…
Peter Hawkins & Robin Shohet, Supervision in the Helping Professions
This book examines supervision across a range of professionals, including health professionals, social workers, psychotherapists, psychologists, and executive coaches. It provides a detailed overview of the supervisory process, including bilateral supervision, peer supervision, group supervision, and supervisory networks and cultures. The authors define supervision as: ‘Supervision is a joint endeavour in which a practitioner, with…