Category: Field of Supervision – Healthcare
Morgan D Stosic et al, “Empathy, Friend or Foe? Untangling the Relationship between Empathy and Burnout in Helping Professions”
This article examines the relationship between empathy and burnout by exploring empathy across various samples of helping professions which include practicing clinicians, medical students, and teaching assistants. Empathy can be viewed through a cognitive lens and an affective lens. The former includes perception and understand of another person’s emotional state. These cognitive aspects of empathy…
Kylie Fletcher, “Law Clinics Educating for Complexity Through Integrative Learning”
This paper argues that the legal education system is complex; clinical legal education allows for integrative learning experiences from a law-and-society perspective. Levy describes a complex system as: “[O]ne whose component parts interact with sufficient intricacy that they cannot be predicted by standard linear equations; so many variables are at work in the system that…
Mary Gobbi, “Learning Nursing in the Workplace Community: The Generation of Professional Capital”
Mary Gobbi expands on Lave and Wenger’s ideas regarding communities of practice by noting that other professions and clients/patients can also become part of the development of a community of practice – learning occurs with and because of others outside what might formally be determined a “community of practice”. Drawing on nursing placements, Gobbi describes…
Stephen Billet & Linda Sweet, Multiple Dimensions of Teaching and Learning for Occupational Practice
This chapter examines medical students’ learning through their clinical experiences. Much of medical student learning is founded on the concept of relational interdependence; the relational nature of the interdependence between the social norms, forms, and practices that individuals are provided. Observation, questioning, engaging in activities, modeling, and parallel practice, amongst others, all contributed in different…
Derek Milne & Robert Reiser, Resolving Critical Issues in Clinical Supervision: A Practical, Evidence-based Approach
This book identifies the main kinds of critical issues that arise in the supervision of the health and social professions and provides suggestions on how they can be best resolved through a normative supervision lens. Normative supervision focuses on enhancing quality control through a formal, constructive, work-focused, and interpersonal process which addresses the supervisee’s critical…
Derek Milne, Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision: Principles and Practice
This book outlines an evidence-based approach to supervision which finds its theoretical foundations in experiential learning. This model of supervision has been likened to the ‘Best Evidence Medical Practice Education,’ in that both models “… treat professional development in a systematic way, based on the highest quality, most relevant research” (2). While this book focuses…
Allyson Davys & Liz Beddow, Best Practice in Professional Supervision: A Guide for the Helping Professions
This book examines supervision in the healthcare professions. Professional supervision in the health professions provides the core functions of accountability, education, and support. This book discusses four supervision models or approaches: developmental models of supervision, reflective models, post-modern approaches, and cultural supervision (see Chapter 2). Developmental models of supervision consist of three categories: those that…
Aisling McMahon, Ciaran Jennings & Gillian O’Brien, “A Naturalistic, Observational Study of the Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision”
This study utilized an observational model to analyze the Seven-Eyed model of supervision within an Irish primary care youth mental health organization. Staff members worked together in transdisciplinary teams consisting of clinical, counselling, and educational psychologists, social workers, mental health nurses, and occupational therapists. Over a six-month period, 40 individual supervisor-supervisee meetings were recorded. The…