Category: Collaboration
Peter Toll Hoffman, “The Stages of the Clinical Supervisory Relationship”
This paper examines the role of the supervisor in legal clinic contexts. Throughout the student-supervisor relationship, teaching occurs in many ways: dialectic teaching, didactic teaching, evaluation, demonstration, or a combination of some or all of these teaching methods. The relationship between student and supervisor is constantly changing. There are several stages students pass through while…
Susannah Sage-Jacobson & Tania Leiman, “Identifying Teaching and Learning Opportunities within Professional Relationships between Clinic Supervisors”
This paper examines the Flinders Legal Advice Clinic through an appreciative inquiry research approach, allowing for reflection on past experiences, insights into positive events, identification of peak performance and the exploration of possibilities for future successful practice. “Appreciative inquiry” is a strengths-based approach that affirms individuals and brings greater focus on positives and strengths to…
Jennifer A Gundlach, “This is a Courtroom, Not a Classroom: So What is the Role of the Clinical Supervisor?”
This article contains helpful advice on supporting clinic law students in courtroom settings. It includes several suggestions for exercises and supervisory discussions with the student to enrich the experience, most of which occur at the post-court appearance stage. The author argues that supervisors should facilitate the development of students’ professional autonomy through theory development, collaborative…