Category: Bias
Mary Lynch, “Importance of Experiential Learning for Development of Essential Skills in Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Effectiveness”
This article examines the importance of cross-cultural misunderstandings within the lawyer-client relationship, a relationship which requires trust. Intercultural effectiveness is critical for law students to learn because of the significant consequences that flow from cross-cultural misunderstandings in relationships within law practice. It may result in interference with rapport, problem-solving, and peacemaking. Cross-cultural misunderstandings may unintentionally…
Gerald Corey et al, Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions
This chapter, entitled “Becoming a Multiculturally Competent Supervisor”, explores the importance of ensuring that supervisors incorporate diversity perspectives into their supervision through a multicultural supervisory practice. This chapter goes on to provide practical suggestions for incorporating multicultural strategies into supervision. Culture, as applicable to supervision, has been described as such: “By defining culture broadly, to…
Anne D Gordon, “Cleaning up Our Own Houses: Creating Anti-Racist Clinical Programs”
This article seeks to guide legal clinics to self-evaluate regarding how clinics perpetuate racism unconsciously. This article offers concrete suggestions for implementing change. Law schools are homes to white supremacist culture. Beliefs, values, norms, and standards support the widespread ideology that whiteness holds value. Characteristics of this culture include: perfectionism, either/or thinking, quantity over quality,…
Clinical Legal Education Association, “Handbook for New Clinical Teachers”
This handbook was first drafted in 1999 and has been updated many times since. The handbook is aimed at new clinicians in the United States. It contains short explainers of various important topics in clinical legal education, including supervision. The handbook contains useful information for Canadian clinicians, but has a very strong American perspective. The…
Archie Zariski & Irene Styles, Supervising Students in Clinical Legal Education, Handbook with Exercises
This Australian handbook sets out guidelines for the supervisory relationship in clinical legal education. It includes information about effective supervision skills, stages of growth, juggling serving clients and students, dealing with different values and personalities, and managing time and information. It concludes by setting out a series of suggestions and resources. This handbook contains exercises,…