Pedagogy: Individualized Approaches

“We were providing research and resources for a partner to write an advocacy brief… [I]t turned out that the student was interested in the topic, but from the opposite perspective of the client and had a really hard time writing from their perspective… [He] had really struggled with being a lawyer, getting instructions from a client, ’cause he thought that, “Well, I wanna do it from my perspective because that’s what I’m interested in.” I had a really rough time with him actually where he had also communicated directly with a client in a way that was really negative. Fortunately, the client… didn’t react badly and said, “Yeah, I understand you’re having to do some teaching here.”… It meant one-on-one meetings between me and that student, also one-on-one meetings with me and the student’s partner to try and help problem solve in terms of making their group work productive.” (10)